Wednesday, February 01, 2006


i haven't been able to write for a few days because my parents finally decided to punish me. my sister had such a hissy fit because of me taking all her barbie heads of the dolls that she had a tantrum in front of my parents. i didn't get punished for that. what i was punished for was i then snuck in her room and took all of the right arms off all her barbies. my parents asked me to give the arms and heads back and when i said i didn't have them, (and i really didn't, i gave them to roy to hide) they decided to punish me.

it took them a long time to figure out what to do exactly. they know i don't watch tv, they can't send me to my room because i am always there anyway, so the decided to take the internet away from me for a few days. big deal! not having the internet gave me more time to think about ways to torture my sister!


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