Monday, February 06, 2006

the one legged doll...

being punished for ruining my sisters dolls has been worth it. i was suppose to spend the weekend at roy's... to give my sister a break... she had another tantrum squealling like a pig... saying why should i be able to spend the weekend at my friends when i have ruined all her dolls. being the spoiled brat that she is my mother decided to punish me more... i was told i could not go to roy's, couldn't use the internet and had to spend the entire weekend at home and in my room except for meals. what ever... all that did was give me more time to plot against them... the weather was really bad this weekend so my sister was also stuck in the house all weekend... with me. she spent most of her time watching stupid movies... in the living room....

...her dolls are all missing their left legs now... wonder when she will notice...


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